See how the last trip was
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Raymond Glen Flickner
“Well, it was very amazing about the resources that you guys have available here in Brazil and the opportunities. Very enjoyable, very eye-opening. Heard a lot about Brazil a long time and now I’ve seen it and I believe it. And what was your favorite part about this trip? Well, I think it’s really hard to define that. But probably the falls and the barbecue.”

Aaron William Harries
“A very impressive operation. I think it’s great anytime a cooperative and farmers can pool their resources together, but the cleanliness and modernness of that processing plant was very impressive. The way they packaged their products was kind of unique to what we do in the United States, but I really enjoyed it.”

Mark David Stadtlander
“I’m originally from northern Iowa, so the corn and soybeans I’m familiar with. The double crop and the processes that go into planting right after harvest, I had never seen anything like that. The challenges with the soils in Brazil and the way the producers here are adapting and improving the soils, it was really informative.

Gary Dean Fike
Agent at K-State Research and Extension
“This was my second trip to Brazil but the first time I never got to see any of the countryside I was in the city and we got to see so many things, production farms on large-scale, we got to see the milk production plant, we got to see a beef operation, we got to see a seed technology. It was it was enlightening and amazing to me what they what they showed to us and you know Brazil being the number one producer of soybeans and we got to see the combines going in action. I learned so much from this trip about Brazilian agriculture and international markets for that matter. And how they affect us because we hear about that all the time but the Brazilian farmers are great.